
Michael Young was born in 1966 in Sunderland, a small industrial city in the North-East of England, and graduated from Kingston University in 1992. The following year, he founded the Michael Young Studio with the aim of providing exclusive, quality design services across an eclectic range of markets - from interiors to technology

Over the past 20 years Michael Young has established himself as one of the leading international figures in his field. The unique nature of his work stems from his constant questioning of typologies and habits, combined with his innate passion for technology and his driving desire to discover new ways to reinterpret space.

Due to their unrivaled ability to generate an atmosphere that is at once both vibrant and relaxed, his designs have been imitated across the globe. The studio has developed a diverse network of relationships and produced work for clientele around the world.

Michael Young very quickly revered retailers and institutions such as the Conran shop and the Pompidou Museum began demanding his work. He became known in the industry as a sophisticated minimalist acclaimed for his elegant, pared-down aesthetic design, which was in direct opposition to the elaborate style dominating London at the time.

After nearly a decade working across the UK and Iceland, Michael was enticed to Asia by his passion for pioneering technology, and in 2006 set up a studio in Hong Kong. Today the Michael Young studio is considered to be one of the most exciting and formidable design companies operating in Asia, responsible for designing icons for its clients that last a lifetime, have won awards and are presented in museums globally.

Michael Young continues to push the boundaries of experimental design. The studio specialises in creating modern design through exploring the endless possibilities Asia’s technological ingenuity provides. Propelled by the momentum created through collaboration with Chinese industrialists, the studio captures the strengthening ties between local industry and design, and exemplifies the skills of Asia’s industrial and manufacturing innovation.

The result is work that transcends design by harnessing some of the highest and most innovative manufacturing skills to create Industrial Art.

Michael Young’s vibrant imagination and his continued ability to innovate and take a fresh approach to a seamless blending of east and west is what keeps his work relevant and increasingly sought-after across all continents.

“It is Design as Industrial Art that interests me, not just as a limited edition, but on a scale of mass production.”

Michael Young 1966 年出生于英国东北部的工业城市桑德兰,1992 年毕业于金斯顿大学。毕业后第二年,他创立了 Michael Young 工作室,旨在提供独特而高品质的设计,服务的市场范围非常广泛——从室内设计到技术设计。

过去 20 年来,Michael Young 成为了国际设计领域中的领先人物。他的作品的独特性质源自于对设计类型和习惯的不断质疑、与生俱来的对技术的热情、和以新方式重新解读空间的强烈欲望。


Michael Young 迅速赢得了零售商的尊重,Conran 商店、蓬皮杜博物馆等机构开始寻求他的作品。因为优雅而简约的设计,他在业内被称为成熟的极简主义者,而这种风格与当时伦敦风行的繁丽的设计潮流大相径庭。

在英国和冰岛工作近十年后,Michael 因为对先锋技术的热情而被吸引到了亚洲,并于 2006 年在香港成立了工作室。时至今日,Michael Young 工作室已经被公认是亚洲最令人兴奋、最强大的设计公司之一。工作室为客户设计可沿用一生的标志性产品,在全球范围内荣获多项大奖,并在世界各地的博物馆展出。

Michael Young 持续推动实验性设计的发展。工作室专注于探索亚洲技术创新所带来的无限可能性,并据此创造出新颖的设计。受到与中国实业家合作的势头的推动,工作室抓住了地方工业和设计之间日趋强化的联系,成为亚洲工业和制造业的创新技能的良好典范。


Michael Young 充沛的想象力、持续创新的能力、和以新方式无缝融合东西方文化的能力,使他的作品具有重要意义、且在全球范围内越来越受欢迎。
