City Storm, 2007 Giant A contemporary bike designed with traditional features interpreted in a modern design. CityStorm is a bike for city riders to commute around town or just to ride for fun.


   Above: the initial sketching process.  “From the outset of the project, the approach was very much a joint effort between both parties drawing on each other’s skills and experiences. The interesting philosophy for me on this project was that Giant were interested in design coming from the mindset of someone with no previous bike experience so that we might bring a fresh approach to the industry.”

— Michael Young

  giant renders Above: Building the 3D with the Giant design team. Below: Michael Young inspects the initial production. factory CITYstorm_Bronze giantdetails    

  eurobike City-Speed-CS  Above CitySpeed CS 2012  – Below CitySpeed 2009      
City Speed, 2009 Giant  An award-winning, urban bike designed for the Taiwanese bicycle manufacturer Giant. The aim with City Speed was to create a bicycle that featured both speed and simplicity at the same time – which is quite a challenge. Its comfortable, upright position, streamlined curves and modern touches make it a perfect choice for street-smart, urban dwellers and for lovers of beauty too.
CITYSPEED_lo The bike features LED headlights and tail lights integrated into the frame to free up handlebar space and eliminate unsightly cabling. The City Speed was awarded the Gold Medal by an international panel of experts at a presentation in Friedrichshafen, Germany, and was also part of a special design display in the foyer of the Taipei Eurobike Show, in 2006. The jury selected the winners based on design and function, and offered the following comments on the Giant City Speed: “The bike is very well designed from start to finish. All the components have been specially coordinated to work together perfectly. The front light, the stem and the handle- bars, for example, form a single unit. Great.” 

– An extract from Michael Youngs 2016 book al(l) Projects In Aluminium. Produced for the exhibition of the same name at Grand Hornu, Belgium.

  cityspeedeets giantpress

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